
5 Reasons Why Mid-Shift is the Ideal Schedule for Millenials

5 Reasons Why Mid-Shift is the Ideal Schedule for Millenials

We are all aware of the regular shift, which is 8 to 5 or 9 to 6. These are the schedules we grew up seeing from today’s baby boomers work a few years ago. Times have passed and the trends have become very demanding. With the rise of the outsourcing industry, production has expanded from the said schedules all the way to 24-hour operations.

Hence, this situation was only solved by having 3 sets of schedules: morning, mid, and night shifts. Morning is seen as a good opportunity to have a “normal life” round the clock. On the other hand, working on a night shift seems to double the stress which is very hazardous to health.

Thus, we arrive on citing some reasons why working on mid-shifts is the most suitable schedule for today’s workforce. Here are some points to consider:

1. More time to sleep.

pikachu sleeping

Though it can be observed as the same 8-hour duty, working on a mid-shift lets you have a few more hours to spare for sleep. Coincidently, this statement is also backed by Science. Professor Russell Foster, a neuroscientist from Oxford University, our brain doesn’t start functioning well until 10am or later in the afternoon.

2. Escape the “rush hour”.

subway station

You have to admit once in your life you that were a victim of a traffic jam. Whether you have your own car or you’re on the commuter’s side, there’s no exception to this problem. Things are much worse for the latter. You have to compete with a lot of employees desperate to hit the time. Why bother if you can let it finish before going to work? It does not mean that you will be excused from the traffic but you will be spared from early morning’s “royal rumble”.

3. Worry-free breaks.

eating 2

The usual 8-to-5 schedule will also have the same time for lunch breaks. This only means one thing, crowded cafeterias. If you are working on a mid-shift, chances are your lunch break schedule will be around 4 to 5 in the afternoon. You are definitely going to change your schedule for eating but you will not undergo the stressful process of thinking what and where to eat (unless you’re preparing a packed lunch).

4. Less-hassle homebound trips.

subway anime

The rush hour is not just happening in the morning. The “battle” also occurs around 5pm onwards. Letting the horde of employees diminish means you have a better change of taking a much comfortable ride home. Aside from that, the traffic won’t be that frustrating. Hence, your usual 2-hour travel can be cut in half, even more.

5. Stay up late.

stay up late

Millenials are very fond of doing this. It could be because they are still playing video games, texting with someone, or browsing their timeline updates on their social networking sites. Whatever the reason may be, you can always find time to enjoy yourself without worrying of waking up early.

The mid-shift may not be conventional but you just need to look at the brighter side. With today’s fast-paced environment, it pays to maintain your stress levels as low as possible. It may have its advantage but it also have some disadvantages especially for those who like to party after work. With that being said, everything still depends on your preference.

Can you think of other reasons why mid-shift rocks? Or do you believe otherwise? Tell us your thoughts on the comments below!

** Author’s Bio: An old school music junkie, Roxel Gestiada loves to write blogs and articles while listening to slow rock, ballads, and OPM. He loves to watch local and foreign movies depending on the mood of the day and is a big fan of the NBA team, Boston Celtics. Follow the man through his blog.


  • Albert Silver
    June 23, 2015

    Since you're on the mid-shift, you'll see if there are cuties in the morning or evening shift. LOL

  • Onchie Gestiada
    June 23, 2015

    More on the evening sir. As much as possible, I maximize my free time for sleeping. LOL

  • thisbejohn
    July 29, 2015

    The sweet spot! You have your slow mornings and crazy nights 🙂

  • Fuck You
    October 1, 2017

    This article never actually said what time mid shift is specifically…

    • Manillenials
      October 11, 2017

      Oops… Normally mid shift schedule is 2-11 pm

      • Justice Leagues
        November 13, 2017

        That is why it rocks!! Hihi 🙂

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