
What We Can’t Stop Talking About This Week (July 5)

What We Can’t Stop Talking About This Week (July 5)

It has been a tough week for us milllennials. The flood and the traffic in the past week due to the habagat is almost unbearable. Despite everything, we managed to write interesting articles for you. Here is a quick run-down of what we talked about these past few days:

  1. Monday Mix Tape: Happy Songs For Lazy Souls– Admit it! You sometimes feel lazy on a Monday. Let these songs help fight “lazy Monday” feels and help you start the week alive.
  2. Before “I Do”: 6 Movies To Watch Before Getting Hitched– For married, soon-to-be married, or hoping-to-get-married people, these movies are a must watch. Not just because of the tips you’ll pick up, but because of the humor and the story.
  3. On Love and Life’s Second Chances– Second chances in love and life is not always given to us. Read why you have to take them when chances are given.
  4. Eew Baha! How to Survive the Floods in Manila– During the rainy season, flood is bound to happen. Here are helpful tips that will help you survive floods in Manila.
  5. Rainy Season is Only Fun When We Were Kids– Rain and flood used to be fun when we were kids. Here are the reasons why we can’t help but miss being a kid when it is raining.
  6. The Art of Doing Nothing: A Perspective to the Tale of Juan Tamad– Is being tamad really that bad, or can it be shaped into a form of art? Read this perspective essay to know how.
  7. How to Be a Stress-Free Happy Traveler– We all love traveling, but we hate how traveling can be stressful as well. Here are few tips to avoid them and enjoy your vacation.
READ  Legit Reasons Why the Rainy Season Rocks

Hope you enjoyed reading our previous articles.

Just a friendly reminder guys. In the coming days, expect heavy rain, and flash floods in the whole of Luzon as Typhoon Florita (Neoguri) enters the Philippine area of responsibility, strengthening the habagat. So take care and stay dry!

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