
What We Can’t Stop Talking About This Week (August 16)

What We Can’t Stop Talking About This Week (August 16)

Hey Manillenials!

Did you miss our weekly update? This week we talked about relationship, friendship and even an intergalactic ship. We also talked about food, and of course remembered one great actor that Filipinos really love. Here are the articles you missed this week:

  1. Monday Mixtape: Guardians of the Galaxy OST That is Making Our World Go Round– If you love the movie, we are sure you’ll also love the movie soundtrack’s tribute to the 70’s music.
  2. Why We Outgrow People– The harsh reality of friendship and maturity.
  3. Remembering Robin Williams Through His Words– You can never re-watch Jumanji again, and never miss Robin Williams.
  4. All-Time Favorite Pinoy Kakanin– These kakanin are Pinoy’s all-time favorite. Just look at the pictures to understand why.
  5. To The One Who Got Away– Are you the one who left, or are you the one left behind? Wherever your side is, you’ll realize that breaking up is always about loving yourself first.
  6. 8 Things to Change in Your Eating Lifestyle Now– We enjoy our food so much we never notice that we are already doing bad eating habits. Know and avoid them, before it is too late.

We hope you enjoy reading our previous posts. If you want to read more, check out the Top Posts & Pages at the side of the page.

Did you enjoy reading the articles? What is your favorite story?

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READ  What We Can’t Stop Talking About This Week (August 2)


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