5 Things I’ve Gained From Studying In an Exclusive School

Who says that being in an exclusive school is boring? You’re definitely wrong, my dear. Being enrolled in an exclusive school, be it for boys or girls, is just the same as in the coed schools. The only difference is that your classmates will all be of the same sex. Though other parents might think that this is not the best option for their children, trust me, it’s fun too!
In my case, I was enrolled in an exclusive school for girls in high school. It was actually my choice to study in that particular school. My parents just supported me all the way and I am glad to be part of it. At first, it was difficult for me. I think I was culture shocked. I’ve been enrolled in a coed school before I went to an exclusive one. That’s why the environment was way different from where I used to. Nonetheless, my 4 years in high school were one of the highlights in my life.
Some people say that I’ve wasted my high school years in an exclusive school, simply because I haven’t had “boy classmates”. But, heck, that doesn’t even matter to me. I’ve been surrounded with really cool and nice girl friends, though. Honestly, sometimes I also wonder what it’s like to be in a coed school in high school. Well, I have experienced having boy classmates back in grade school and pre-school, but high school is a different thing. (I know, I know.) It’s just that there is nothing to regret being in an exclusive school. At least, I have experienced both (coed and exclusive one), right?
So, let me share to you the 5 important things I’ve learned from studying in an exclusive school:
Quality of Education
One of the things I considered before entering an exclusive school in high school is the quality of education that the institution provides. Yes, I actually thought that if I entered a good school in high school, I will have a greater advantage in getting in my dream college university. And guess what, I made it! I know that this institution definitely has it, because it has proven to be of high quality in terms of education in many ways. (If you guys know me, then you know what school I’m talking about.) The quality of education I got from this school is really exceptional. I am blessed to be trained by great teachers and mentors whom I really value the most.
Since I came from an exclusive school for girls, plus it’s a Catholic school, there are a lot of values that were taught to us. One of the values I won’t forget is our school motto, which is Ora et Labora. It literally means “pray and work”. (So there, you’ve got a clue as to what school I’m referring to.) We were taught that prayer and work should come together all the time and that these two will balance each of our life. I am deeply grateful for learning a lot of values from my school, because I live by with them now. And they help me in becoming a better person.
A Best Friend…
Another thing I am thankful for is that I met my best friend here. For more than a decade now, I may say that having my best friend around is one of the best things that happened to me in an exclusive school. (Oh, you’re a special mention here, Friend!)
…And Friends For Keeps
Life in an exclusive won’t be as fun as it might be without my girl friends. They were a big part of my high school life and I am happy to befriended all of them. Who knows that those crazy girls that you meet inside the classroom will be your friends for keeps? I am just lucky I’ve met these young ladies and got a chance to take life’s journey with them.
Those four years in high school have been a roller coaster ride. There were ups and downs, just like any other high school chapter in our lives. But the memories that came with this journey are what I treasure the most. It may not be the best high school life that most people would prefer, but for me it is. I would not want it any other way, simply because I am contented with the people I’ve been with all throughout my high school journey.
Who else among you have an experience in an exclusive school? What are the things you have gained with it? Share it with us!
(Photo: Warner Bros. Entertainment)
Eunise is a full-time writer and an occasional traveler. She loves trying out exciting things and likes her coffee hot and black. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter!
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Kimpee Olivar
So ibig sabihin hindi "Quality Education" sa mga hindi exclusive schools?
Jane Galvez
Pati mga coed! Hahaha
Nadz Malapira
Hi Eunise! Great work here! I studied in an all girls school too back in HS and I pretty much experienced the same things. Wouldn't trade 4 years of fun, loud and "drama" hahah
Nase Quintano
Hello, Ate Nadz! Thank you. 🙂 Exclusive schools rock too. Cheers to us! Haha 😀
Nase Quintano
I didn't say that. Wag kang naninira!!! Hahahaha :))
Nase Quintano
Hello, Ate Nadz! Thank you. 🙂 Exclusive schools rock too. Cheers to us! Haha 😀