12 Memorable Lines From Rurouni Kenshin
Before the applauded Rurouni Kenshin and Kyoto Inferno movies and Sato Takeru’s arguably perfect portrayal of the vagabond swordsman, there was the anime on Philippine TV.
Aired on Studio 23 in 1999 and on Channel 11 in 2006, Rurouni Kenshin or Samurai X is based on a Japanese manga and gained a following among Filipino viewers. Its plot depicted Japan’s war past, which would have been as boring as History subjects go, if not for the characters, the Kenshin-Kaoru romance, and Kenshin’s signature “oro?!”
Definitely one of the 90’s cartoons that makes us nostalgic of our childhood (though you won’t see it on this list. Forgot to include it, may bad)
I fondly remember watching it on Studio 23, after Time Quest on IBC 13.
So as an ode to the simple pleasure of watching cartoons when we were kids, here’s a collection of memorable Rurouni Kenshin lines about life, principles, death, and love. Enjoy!
“A sword is a weapon. The art of swordsmanship is learning how to kill. That is the truth. What Miss Kaoru says is sweet and innocent talk that only those whose hands have never been stained with the blood of men can believe. But, to tell you the truth, I much prefer Miss Kaoru’s sweet and innocent talk over the truth, indeed I do!”
“You believe that the strong exist to cull the weak. To use them as food. But you are mistaken… The strong exist, not to feed off the weak, but to protect them!”
“Perhaps the distant part of the sky always seems clearest, so that we will always strive to reach it.”
“You can always die. It’s living that takes real courage.”
“In this world of memories, there’s no need for strangers.” -Kenshin to Kaoru
“Whatever you loose, you’ll find again, but what you throw away you never get back.”
“The dead don’t desire revenge, but the happiness of the livng. To dirty your small hands would bring joy to no one.” -Kenshin to Eiji
“New eras don’t come about because of swords, they’re created by the people who wield them.”
“A man who can’t uphold his beliefs is pathetic dead or alive.” -Hajime Saito
“Oh well, I guess all those who are in love do crazy things.” -Sagara Sanosuke
“It isn’t enough for the law to say we’re all equal. If the peoples’ hearts don’t change, none of it means anything.” -Kamiya Kaoru
“This world, full of evil and violence, is Hell itself. Don’t you think?” -Shishio Makoto
Do you know other Rurouni Kenshin lines? Share them in the comments!
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Des Cambaliza is a traveler, nature lover, and an entrepreneur who tries to capture in photos how she sees the world.
Kimpee Olivar
Oro is the best!
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Jeany Eranzo
"The strong shall live and the weak shall die." – Shishio
i like this line..
Your memes are so appropriate for the current state of the Philippines. May I share these?
sure no problem
Gerald Ramos
The distance between the darkest hate and the deepest love is no more than the width of rice paper