
8 Ways To Lower The Risk of Breast Cancer

8 Ways To Lower The Risk of Breast Cancer

breast cancer awareness

We all want to avoid having breast cancer. But the truth is, there is no sure way on how to prevent this from developing. However, healthy lifestyle can help us lower the risk of breast cancer.

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s necessary to know a little more on how we can take care of ourselves. Women, most specially, need to be wary of harmful habits and to practice healthy ones. Men should inform themselves about breast cancer as well, because even if the chances are low, it’s also possible for men to have breast cancer.

Take action now and know the risk factors that you need to change. Here are some steps that you can take to lower your risk:

1. Be physically active.

Being physically active helps you maintain a healthy body. Moderate exercises like 30 minutes of walking five days a week will help reduce the chances of acquiring cancer. If you are going to do a walk, walk briskly and not just like strolling in the park for it to be more effective.

2. Control your weight.

Always be conscious of your weight and set boundaries on your BMI. Because being overweight or obese has many negative impact on your health, and one of them is the risk of having breast cancer. Breast cancer in obese women are often detected at a later stage. Overweight and obesity is often associated with premenopausal breast cancer.

3. Limit intake of alcohol.

If you can’t avoid drinking alcohol, then try to limit your consumption of this beverage. Women who drink alcohol increases the possibility of developing breast cancer. And the more alcohol you drink, the greater your chances of having breast cancer.

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4. Stay away from smoking.

Aside from having a good overall health when you don’t smoke, it can also prevent breast cancer. It is known that smoking is a big factor in lung and other cancers, but studies also suggested that it can also link into development of breast cancer, in particular to premenopausal women.

5. Breastfeed your baby.

Breastfeeding plays an important role in preventing breast cancer. If you breastfeed your baby for a longer time, you will also be protected against breast cancer longer. Because when you are breastfeeding, your body lowers the levels of estrogen by producing higher levels of the hormone prolactin.

There’s a misconception that breast size matters in breastfeeding, but there’s no clinical proof that the size of breasts affect the amount of milk a mother can produce. So even if yours are smaller than the average bra size by age, breastfeeding can still be for you.

6. Avoid exposure to radiation.

Reduce your exposure to medical-imaging methods because it uses radiation. Take tests that have high doses of radiation only when absolutely needed. This way, you can prevent breast cancer risk.

7. Have a healthy diet.

You must always eat healthy food for your protection. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of developing breast cancer. Healthy food also includes lean proteins and whole grains. Protect yourself from cancer by including garlic, green tea, olive oil, turmeric, and seaweed to your diet. Avoid consumption of refined carbohydrates, fatty foods, and sugared drinks.

8. Make a difference.

Join in breast cancer awareness efforts that are happening in your community. This October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and surely there are many organizations that are hosting events. It’s advisable to join in these events to increase your awareness and to take necessary steps. Take a long walk with their marathon. Or wear a pink ribbon to show that you care. Help them raise funds to support breast cancer research. Supporting them can give positive effects on your health.

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Improve your risk profile by taking care of your health. Be aware of the things that you can do to slash your chance of having breast cancer.

Remember, awareness can only take you so far. Instead of just reading this, why not spread the word and apply these tips to your daily habits?

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