9 Ways to Be an Energy-efficient Homeowner
Energy consumption has been consistently growing over the years, and as the world population grew and sustained economic growth, there’s no stopping the acceleration of the numbers.
As simple homeowners, our part in this may be miniscule compared to the corporations that consume insurmountable amount of electricity and gas on a daily basis. But it doesn’t mean that there’s nothing we can do to at least help minimize the energy consumption of an average household.
Here are nine simple ways to be more energy-efficient at home.
Tip 1: Change an Air Conditioner’s Filter
It’s highly suggested that you change your air conditioner’s filter once a month. This will ensure optimal performance while reducing the amount of electricity consumed. Also important is making sure that draperies or furniture are not blocking an air conditioner’s equipment that is located inside and outside the home. Also, you would be better off not piling junk around the external portions of the air conditioner.
Tip 2: Switch to Modern Lightbulbs
Visit a store to check out modern lightbulbs which use less electricity. You may notice that these bulbs may cost a little more, but they are designed to last longer. If you consider the average lifetime and the power they consume, you would know you are making the smarter choice. Make sure you use these bulbs in table lamps, ceiling lights, and exterior lighting fixtures. Outside a home, install solar lights in the soil along pathways, on fences or near doorways for backup without paying for additional electricity.
Tip 3: Use Cold Water for Washing Laundry
In most cases, cold water is sufficient to eliminate the soil and stains from garments and linens. Using cold water instead of hot or warm water will reduce the consumption of electricity or natural gas that a water heater uses. Additionally, make sure to have a full load of laundry to avoid wasting any electricity when you do use hot water to eliminate pathogens.
Tip 4: Use a Clothesline Instead of a Dryer
It’s advisable to use a clothesline outside to dry linens and garments instead of using a dryer. If it is raining, then hang items on an indoor drying rack instead. It is also possible to hang garments on plastic hangers before placing the items in a place where there is air circulation.
Tip 5: Choose the right natural gas plan
One major aspect of energy conservation is choosing the right natural gas providers in Edmonton. There are companies that offer fixed-rate plans to help customers avoid higher bills each month. By knowing the exact rate for the cost of natural gas, a homeowner can plan daily energy usage to avoid any additional expenses. There are some who switched energy supplier by using usave.co.uk/energy to help them better plan their usage.
Tip 6: Clean a Refrigerator and Freezer
When a home’s refrigerator is filled with containers or when the freezer is covered with ice, the appliance isn’t as energy efficient as possible. Remove everything from the freezer and cooling section of the refrigerator to remove any ice buildup along with washing away any food debris. Avoid keeping a refrigerator too full because it will reduce the circulation of the cool air, leading to higher usage of electricity.
Tip 7: Replace Old Water Heaters
Old water heaters were made before the newest efficiency regulations, so by installing new water heaters, homeowners can use less natural gas or electricity. This includes larger whole-house water heaters and smaller point-of-use water heaters. Avoid setting the temperature too high on the water heater because this will waste natural gas or electricity.
Tip 8: Have Smart Power Strips for Electronics and Appliances
With modern smart power strips, you can save electricity when appliances are not being used or when electronics are in a standby mode. These smart power strips are designed to effectively control and monitor for each electrical outlet. Today, this is a great way to reduce the consumption of electricity.
Tip 9: Check a Home’s Windows
Verify that the windows of a home are closed and locked properly when the air conditioner is operating. In addition, replace broken windowpanes to avoid the loss of climate-controlled air, and also, consider replacing old windows or window frames that have degraded.
While we must continue pressuring corporation to look for creative ways to reduce and minimize their use of energy, we can also do our part by starting by working on habits that are pro-earth. Even just by a little, we can make a difference in helping the environment.
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