Free Film Workshop from Pandayang Lino Brocka
Calling all film students, independent or amateur filmmaker, and film enthusiasts/buff! You are invited to a filmmaking workshops. The 6th Pandayang Lino Brocka Political Film and New Media Festival will conduct free workshop series from May to June 2014. The said workshop will involve the following film disciplines:
- Scriptwriting
- Directing
- Digital cinematography
- Non-linear editing
- Sound design
The estimated time frame for each workshop will last 2 to 3 days. Good news is that it is free. However, it is limited to 5 applicants only.
You can submit your application until May 17, 2014.
You can read the full details and requirement at Pandayang Lino Brocka website.
Or you can also reach them on the following contact details:
Mobile No: 09359207053; 09107509757 (Ariel)
E-mail Address: pandayanglinobrocka@yahoo.com; tudla_productions@yahoo.com
Facebook: fb.com/pandayanglinobrockafestival; fb.com/tudlaproductions
Twitter: @tudlaprod
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Wandering mind. Exercising her feet sometimes for travel. Moderate coffee drinker. 90’s music fan. Film enthusiast. Sleepy.